Auckland in New Zealand has been ranked No: 1 city globally as per the new survey followed by Osaka in Japan


2021 is an unusual time. We are living in a kind of dread, but holding onto extraordinary dreams and yearnings for our lives. In such a condition, the solitary inquiry that yields up as a top priority is, the place where to take up residence? Which city after everything is the most secure to live in during this season of pandemic? Additionally, where would we be able to track down an elevated requirement of living, and how well would we be able to live? The response to these inquiries have been replied, at any rate for 2021. 

Another report by the Economist Intelligence Unit discover a city in New Zealand to be the best city to live in this moment. New Zealand's Auckland tracks down the best position as the most liveable city in the worldwide positioning. Sadly, Vienna, the city in Austria that appreciated the no. 1 spot in the years 2018 and 2019, discovers no notice in top ten urban communities this year. This occurred since the pandemic hit Austria harshly. The study was not led in the year 2020. 

Osaka in Japan tracked down the second recognize this year, and was in fourth spot in the 2019 review. Australia did very well in the most recent review, with Adelaide snatching the third spot, Perth in 6th position, and Brisbane in the tenth spot. Melbourne then again stood eighth close by Geneva in Switzerland. 

The overview took a gander at five general classes, strength, culture and climate, schooling, medical services, and framework. New Zealand has the absolute hardest lockdown decides that empowered the nation to resume, and permit its residents more prominent opportunity than different nations.

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